Shweta’s STEM Zone

University of Delaware

In Progress

Pursuing PhD in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Co-advised by Professor Arthi Jayaraman and Professor April Kloxin.

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

May 2022 

B.S. in Chemical and Biological Engineering. Minor in Psychology. GPA: 3.43.

Simulating Silk Self Assembly Behavior Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation at Zha Lab (RPI)

Aug 2020 – Present, 6 hours/week

Lab on a Chip for Environmental Applications at Basuray Lab (NJIT)

Aug 2020 – Jan 2021, 40 hours/week

Optics NSF REU: Utilizing Spectroelectrochemical Detection to Improve the Lab on a Chip Device at Basuray Lab (NJIT)

May 2019 – Aug 2019, 40 hours/week

Lighting Enabled Systems & Applications (RPI)

Jan 2019-May 2019, 4 hours/week

Digital Transformation Intern at Genentech

May 2021-Present, 10-40 hours/week

Tutoring, Independent/Advising Center

Aug 2015 – Present, 10 hours/week

Help Desk IT Consultant

Jan 2020 – Present, 5 hours/week

Continuous Synthesis of Ibuprofen

Formation and Characterization of Biodiesel from Canola Oil

Vapor Liquid Equilibrium

Thermodynamics of a Metal Ion Complexing

Synthesis of Epoxy Resin

Metal Ion Extraction

Shell in Tube Heat Exchanger Countercurrent Analysis

Compressed Air Energy Storage Design Project

Virtual Reality Plant Design Project

American Institute of Chemical Engineers

Aug 2020 – Present, 4 hours/week


Organize events, invite industry professionals and lead the executive board as president.

Coding and Community

Aug 2018 – Present, 6 hours/week

Instructor, Lead Curriculum Developer, President.

Teach minority students basic computer science and manage subcommittees to organize outreach events and programs.

Rensselaer Center for Open Source

Aug 2018 – Aug 2020, 4 hours/week

Developer, Mentor, Project Manager.

Collaborate with a team to construct applications for uses such as COVID tracking, time management, and in-class quizzing.

RPI Ambulance      

Aug 2018 – Feb 2020, 4 hours/week

EMT, Secretary.

Provide emergency first aid care to RPI students and the local community to improve patient and public health.

Somerset Youth Leadership      

Aug 2017 – June 2017, 2 hours/week

Explore different aspects of the community and contribute to making the county more diverse and inclusive.

American Institute of Chemical Engineers Regional Conference

Shweta Burgula and Zhenglong Li, Utilizing Spectroelectrochemical Detection to Improve Sensitivity in the Shear Enhanced Lab on a Chip Device, 2020 Mid-Atlantic American Institute of Chemical Engineering Regional Conference, open. 9, October 2020 (Virginia Tech – Virtual)

Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium

Shweta Burgula and Zhenglong Li, Utilizing Spectroelectrochemical Detection to Improve Sensitivity in the Shear Enhanced Lab on a Chip Device, 2020 Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium, open. 30, November 2020 (Rice University – Virtual)

12th International Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium

Shweta Burgula and Zhenglong Li, Utilizing Spectroelectrochemical Detection to Improve Sensitivity in the Shear Enhanced Lab on a Chip Device, 2019 12th International Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium, open. 1, August 2019 (New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark NJ)